There is this whole are of Montreal that is really cool, and you probably know it: it's called the Mile End. And part of the Mile End is the north end of St-Laurent (or the Main as we know it in Montreal). There are tons of good coffees, shops, restaurant and bars that make that area alive and amazing to hang out in. Snack and Blues, Cafe Olympico, Cafe club Social, the St-Viateur and the Fairmount bagel shops, etc, etc, etc ...
And then there is also Bar Waverly and a restaurant named Le Comme Chez Soi. Both these places are fairly new, and both have their own original feel, adding some spiciness to the north end of the Main, in the Mile End (a lot of Ends and Ms in this sentence :)
On a different not, there has been a new political/moral scandal that erupted this week. now with Pakistan and an actress Veena Malik that posed with little clothes for an Indian magazine, sporting a tattoo of the Pakistani secret services on her arm (read on BBC here).
Now is there anything more ridiculous than getting pissed off on innocent pictures like those below? I guess the editors of FHM India scored a big hit with this "provocative" magazine covers.