This video really made me smile, this is a great way to have fun with all your friends and family, cause really a wedding is just an excuse to get all your friends and family together for one big party, because the older we get the harder it is to organize big events with everyone together.
This Saturday, in a freezing afternoon at an empty Jazz Fest in Montreal, while walking aimlessly amongst the non-existent crowd and trying to find something good to listen too, we stumbled upon a small stage where that 1 guy was playing. Yes, that's right, that 1 guy and his magic pipe. First, the technological prowess of his self-made instrument is extremely impressive. Second, this one man mixes music and performance art extremely well. And he's an amazing percussionist, and his voice reminds me of the deep voice of Iggy Pop on the soundtrack to Arizona Dreams, one of my favorite records.
Needlessly to say, That 1 Man is to be appreciated live, where his whole talent shines, both musical and acting, and where the rawness of his electronically-organic performance can be felt. I especially like the beats where he starts jumping and using both feet to activate the base-drum pedals.
Unfortunately for me and my friends, I am a creature of many faces, full of contradictions and uncertainties. One thing is sure though, I love arts, beauty and the human spirit. So this blog is my undercover and anonymous way to salute everything thats is beautiful in life, be it hand made, manufactured, invented or living. Finally, these pages are also my way convoluted way to pay tribute to this beautifully messed-up town that Montreal is. We hate to love it and love to hate it even more.